since Squasher is Steinberg’s equivalent to OTT please can you tell me the settings to make it sound like the initial OTT preset?
(As it seems I had no luck so far, tried for an hour but it always leaves something to desire. I don’t even understand how the knobs “corresponds” to each others equivalent,
And Google just brought up some threads where people talk about both plugins but no specific settings. Just in a thread in another forum someone stated it is easy to make Squasher sounds close to OTT.)
Thank you, yes, I saw Dom’s video, sounds quite good, but Squasher didn’t worked out against Xfer OTT in my a/b comparison cos my settings are far from it.
Wow, thank you very much, your preset sounds pretty close.
Out of interest, have you done a/b comparisons yourself? At first glance and only on the master out of a rough mix I’d say OTT seems a bit more detailed and brings a slightly different flavour to the track, but that’s fairly vague.