Can you change the colour of the Group track automation volume line?

Can hardly see it against a lighter background… Is there any way to darken the automation line? (this does not apply to independent automation LANES, where you can freely change their colours as ‘tracks’)

Hold your cursor just to the right of the Show/Hide Automation or Append Automation Track button, press shift, and click on that area. The color picker should pop up. The line will only show the color of the track if it’s been edited. Otherwise, it stays grey.

This changes the track color but not the Group automation volume line color

Apologies, my bad. Didn’t realise that the reason it stays bright is because it’s “inactive”. Once you draw a node or some automation then the line takes on the track’s colour.

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I’m in Nuendo and I don’t see that. Could you show me a picture?

I’m sorry. I don’t have Nuendo, so I don’t know how it works in that regard.

It must be the same thing. But I don’t understand your explanation for Cubase.

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Got it. Check out the area that I boxed in blue with the arrow pointing to it. You can hold “shift” and “left click” in that area and a color palette will open for you. It works for all tracks, including automation tracks.

EDITED: I originally posted “right click” and it’s now the correct “left click”.

Thank you very much. But I have nothing here in the menu about the color of the automation line. I’ll ask the question on the Nuendo forum. Strange…

Sorry! I screwed up and put “right click” when it should have been “left click” to get the color palette to come up.

Try it again.

I think the line takes on the color of the track. However, it only is colorized when it is selected, otherwise it will be grey in order to interfere with vision as little as possible.

Okay. It’s true. It does help. Except in the case of ACVs though (at least here).