Can you have overlapping audio clips in cubase 8?

There are (2) types of crossfades. Global & track. Just check out the op manual, page 251 to set up the auto mode you want.

Regards :sunglasses:

If by antiquated you mean extremely useful, fast, easy, convenient, logical and productive … it is indeed. They just dumbed down takes so that stupid people wouldn’t get confused. Basically they’ve made it fit 1 workflow only. It used support multiple workflows.

EDIT: Unless of course you meant it’s antiquated to actually record instruments … :unamused:

And, I have figured out how to use a macro that I trigger with a footswitch to dupe the track, delete audio, and rearm. It’s not near as easy and it cause fubars in the looping. But, it is workable.

The overlap issue was also very important to me. I wrote this Feature Request for Cubase 8.
Allow all Overlapping Audio Clips To Play Steinberg Forums

The solution stated in the thread was also good for Cubase 7. I have spent hours on this and made every effort and workaround to keep Cubase but is not to be.

stereolost, thanks for the video. I see you have Cubase 8 and so it looks regarding this matter it is identical to Cubase 7.5.

It is so important to me along with a couple other FRs that were not implemented I have dropped Cubase, my favorite DAW, from my possible DAW’s to use list. Sad :cry: about this but life goes on.

Studio One (best!), Reaper, Sonar and Fl Studio do the overlapping clips in a way that helps my workflow.

Did Cubase 8.5 fix the audio clip overlapping problem?
Would be nice if they did but still allowed the overlapping not to play
so to not upset the users that prefer the current situation.

When I overlap each clip has its own fade in and fade out.
I can still adjust the fades while the the clips are overlapping
and hear the result. Then when I am happy I bounce in place.
The the other main DAW’s allow overlapping clips to play.

In Cubase if I had the clips each on a track it would be ok by me it then
I could easily bounce the two clips in place to the higher track. This
would be a good compromise for me.

I have re-submitted this request in the Cubase 9 Requests forum here: Option to Hear Overlapping Lanes - #2 by joegab - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

Please check it out and vote it up.

Note that I have asked for “the option” to hear overlapping clips so as not to break Cubase for anyone that prefers the current functionality. Hopefully, this will make everyone happy and preclude any dissent.

Thank you!

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Any news or work around for this feature?