Cancellare un modello da me creato

passiamo ad un altro problema: ho salvato un modello creato da me ma ora vorrei cancellarlo; come faccio?

Please see page 37 of the Dorico 4 Version History PDF.

Deleting a template. You can delete a user-defined project template by clicking the menu button in the top right-hand corner of the template’s card in the Create New page in the Hub and choosing Delete Project Template from the menu. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion: if you proceed, the project template will be deleted and will no longer appear in the application.

…mi sento uno stupido… quale pulsante in alto a destra?

…io non vedo nessun pulsante.

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The menu button is located in the top right-hand corner of the large rectangular item that corresponds to the template.

If all else fails, you can quit Dorico, and in the Finder, choose Go > Go To Folder, and paste in the following line:

/Users/daniel/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Dorico 4/Project Templates

You will then see a folder for any category you have created, and project files inside those category folders. Simply delete the project files you no longer want to see in the Hub, and restart Dorico.

Buona musica.