Cannot color tracks?

I looked in the manual on how to Automatically Color Tracks, but the explanation in the manual on page 706 does’t apply to Cubase 7.5, I don’t think. The “Auto Track Color Mode” option doesn’t appear where it’s suppose to in the Preferences > Editing > Project & Mix Console Page. (See pic)

Can someone kind out there guide me on how to set up the “Auto Track Color Mode”?

Thanks a ton.

Please? Anyone? I NEED to colour my tracks!!!

Editing > Project & Mixconsole doesn’t seem right. Did you take a look under Appearance > Colors? Seems more appropriate, or maybe under Event Display.

Yes, I looked under those too. I seems as though what was written on page 706 that was supposed to be under Project & MixConsole has now something similar under Event Display, but it didn’t work either.