Cannot find usage of bar numbers grayed zones above staff in edit mode?

2024-09-05 12_12_41-Die Moldau dans Smetana_Moldau_Cl1_La-Sib_

  • How do you use the “bin” symbol, and the check-mark on the right ?
  • Can you hide these grayed zones with bar numbers, which I often find annoying when trying to select an item from the score ?

I could not find any explanation/answer in the online tutorial, neither in the forum.

Thank you for your help with this product which I am trying to get acquainted with, as a former long time user of Finale.

Welcome to the forum @christophe.astier

You’re referring to the System Track:

The box to click will select everything in that bar.

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The bar is called the system track. The check-box on the right makes a system selection (it includes all objects including hidden system objects). The bin on the left deletes everything, including hidden system objects.

Opt/Alt-T is the toggle


Hi Daniel,
Thank you very much for you swift and very accurate answer… you saved my day.
I was also a bit puzzled since I use the French version of the software, and it can sometimes be cumbersome to find how to apply the tips you find in the English tutorials and forums to a different language version.