Cannot get IC pro to work (iOS/ Windows 8)


I just purchased IC pro on AppStore but i cannot get it to work.

I am running Cubase AI 6 64bits on a windows 8 computer.

I have dl and duly install steinberg ski remote on my pc.

When I start both programs, my ipad/iphone does recognizes my computer and connects to it, but I cannot use the app to control cubase and no project appears on the idevice, even if I load it in Cubase

But the point is, when I play/stop/do anything on Cubase, it does react on the device (the button used on Cubase is then automatically actionned on the ipad).

I just do not know what to do to fix this issue. Unfortunately, my computer does not have a self wifi connection so I cannot set a local Ad hoc network.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Ps: sorry for my poor english, I am french…

Just a little “Up” message (even if my post is still at the top of the page)!
It still does not work and I really do not want to feel like I wasted 15 euros.

I really appreciate any help you can provide


could you show me a screenshot or video of your screen once connected? What router are you using and how do you connect to your PC?



Thanks for your reply! I will post a video showing all the steps I follow to connect IC Pro to my pc this evening.

Basically I have a freebox Revolution and no other router… My computer is connected to my “box” directly via Ethernet. I am sorry, I do not know what kind of technical information regarding my hardware I can give to you :confused:

Here is a link to my freebox specification :

Ok, here is a really quick (and poor quality) video of my problem

Many thanks for your help!


thanks for the video! I will share this with the team and get back to you. :wink:


Ok thanks that is great! I look forward to hearing from you!



I just checked out that video. As it seems your network is properly configured, else you would not have a connection error.
The kind of symptoms point to network performance or caching issues though.
Network performance is an entirely different cup of tea and going into details here would be beyond the scope. But a few things can be checked by anyone.

Ping response time
The easiest test is to run the ping command:
Hit the Windows key on your keyboard,
type cmd,
open a command prompt,
Hit enter on your keyboard.

This will send four pings (icmp packages) to your ipad.
You should have 0% lost packages.
The average response time should be under or 0ms

If you have any other results I recommend you to hit google and search for Network performance improvement topics.

If your results are good let us know and I can post the next analysis steps.

Many thanks for your reply. I just tried to test my network ping but I have bad performance.

In the best test I have 7ms minimum of response time, and every time 25% of package lost. Can it be the reason of the problem?


I have tried again the ping command. Now I always have 0% of package lost, and around 30ms of response time. What is the next analysis step?

Many thanks for your help

I just upgraded my Cubase to Elements 7 and now it works… Pretty weird!!

Anyway, thanks for your help!

Philippe, although I have no connection issues this suggestion to ping my ipad is news to me. You do not say to download a ping app to check this, so I assume you are telling Floch that there is a way that the ping can be discovered without an app. Just where do I discover this ping packet info on my ipad? Or did you mean that it will show up on my desktop?

I have never heard of this test and I would like to run it on my iphone, too.

As you mentionned it, the “ping test” is not using any app.

If you are running a windows computer, just write “cmd” in the windows search box, and then open the command prompt.

On this black page, write ping and the ip adress of your ipad and press Enter

For example :


You will find the ip adress of your iphone in settings → Wifi → the (i) button next to the name of the wifi spot you are connected to.

It will automatically ping your iphone and show the result of the test

Ah, thank you. Haha, I thought the instructions were a bit odd. I actually wrote not the ip address, but: ‘ip address off your…’, exactly what was posted. Oh brother… :laughing:

My results are:

iPad: 3ms Min, 923ms Max, average = 234ms
iphone: 33ms Min, 101ms Max, average 65ms

No packets lost for either device.

And after reading your post, it seems like I should be having some problems with the iPad and not the iPhone, but it is just the opposite. Weird. At this point I assume the packet loss percentage was your problem? Very interesting.

I honestly do not know what was the problem… I just upgraded my cubase from AI6 to Elements 7 and it worked! But I have not do anything to improve my network performance, or changed anything on my iPad or iPhone

Floch, OK, understood. I also went looking on Google - as suggested - to see if there was a way to speed up my Wi-Fi. There is not. At this point I will assume that the low ping numbers are rather unobtainium and not important.