Can't get a signal while trying to record guitar


I am not good with music software, and today after I had to completely re-set my iMac last week, I finally got Cubase 10.5 up and running again. But I’m already running into glitches, the most problematic of which is, no signal - my guitar is hooked up through my audio interface (UR 22 MK2) just as it was prior to the reset, but there is no signal.

Any thoughts on what might cause the system to fail to pick up a signal?

Thank you,


Is the correct ASIO Driver (Yamaha/Steinberg) selected in the Studio > Studio Setup > Audio System?

How does it look like in the Audio Connections > Inputs?

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Check your microphone privacy settings are enabled for Cubase.

Control access to the microphone on Mac – Apple Support (UK).

OK, I went to Audio Connections. Sure enough, everything said ‘Not connected.’

So I changed the settings under “Stereo in 1” to “Built in Audio.” Stil no signal.

When I tried to do the same for “Mono in 1”, I got a horrible screeching feedback sound.

I checked - the settings were enabled

You didn’t answer this from Martin??

Is the correct ASIO Driver (Yamaha/Steinberg) selected in the Studio > Studio Setup > Audio System?

Which driver do you have selected?

Added to an eventual routing or driver related issue, and just in case… Are you sure that the Hi-Z selector is activated for the input involved (which seems to be the second one) ?

Additionaly, the guitar delivers a mono signal, so it’s a mono input bus that should be used as Input Routing of the dedicated audio track. From which, you should just have two mono input busses in the Studio > Audio Connections > Inputs panel : get rid of the stereo one…

Oops, you’re right!
I went and looked and oddly, Steinberg/Yamaha does not appear as an option. The only option seems to be “Built-in Audio”
Any idea what to do about that?

Also, sorry for the long times between replies, I’m doing this in between working at a library, and when I came home yesterday I was exhausted, completely forgot to look at this. Thanks for your help.

Hi, Martin, forgot to answer part of your question.

I went and looked and oddly, Steinberg/Yamaha does not appear as an option. The only option seems to be “Built-in Audio”
Any idea what to do about that?

Also, sorry for the long times between replies, I’m doing this in between working at a library, and when I came home yesterday I was exhausted, completely forgot to look at this. Thanks for your help.

Maybe you didn’t install the driver when you reset the computer.

No, I did.

“Are you sure that the Hi-Z selector is activated for the input involved (which seems to be the second one) ?” - On my UR22mk2 audio interface, there’s only one thing marked Hi-Z. It’s a tiny button with the label “Input 2-Hi-Z.” I have 2 inputs on this thing. Whether my guitar is plugged into input 1 or input 2 - and whether the Hi-Z is activated or not - there’s no signal.

A signal of sorts DOES appear when I go into Studio>Audio Connections>Inputs and activate the Mono input busses - but it’s accompanied by an unGodly screech. I feel like this should be telling me something (I mean, it obviously IS), but I don’t know what. I was never great at Cuebase and now I’ve been off of it for a long time and I’m REALLY rusty. Any idea what this might be telling me?

Thanks for your help,

Try to reinstall it. You need to be able to select this as your driver In audio system.