Can't get any Audio out of my Headphone Jack on my Laptop

All my settings seem to be correct. But still no sound. Any Ideas?

Can you post screenshots of your output/control room settings?

Here it is.


which device port? please expand it so we can see.
As I told you on your other thread, a basic in/out routing tutorial will help you

Debvice port is my 1/8th headphone output on my Laptop.

Yes I am aware of the physical connections for audio. What I need you to show us is where this is routed to. The screenshot you attached is not showing which port, just the same name for all, so you should expand the column in order to see the number of the port.
I understand that you are probably new to this and I am not sure if I have the patience to help you through the basics. Sorry. Maybe someone else can chime in

On my mix console I see the Headphone is assigned to Port 2 and my Stereo mix to Port 1. Maybe the Headphone needs to be assigned to Port 1 as Well? If so I can’t figure out how to do that.

And the screen shot I sent you earlier in the Thread is already expanded.

Maybe you can check out these two post. The linked one and the one underneath.

I thought it might be an OS problem too. Crossed my mind. Currently running windows 11. I’ll check out the Link now. Thanks

I tried everything in that Article. Still No Luck. I can hear Audio through Headphones on every other Application. Such as System sound? YouTube etc. Driving me Crazy.

Can you please make a screenshot of the control panel of your used ASIO driver? You can open by clicking here:

menu Studio → Studio Setuo

It should look something like this:

Finally. It’s working. On the control panel if I check the Headphones box it comes out of my Headphones.
If I check the Speaker box it comes out my speakers. As you will see on the attached screenshot.
I just have to remember to switch back between the 2 wherever I want to have the sound coming from. But will be using Headphones most of the time of course. Thanks a lot for your help. Much appreciated. God Bless

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