Can't get chord symbols to show on "other" players

Wondering if anyone knows the solution to this problem. I have a lead sheet as a 4 horn score. In the trumpet player I created slashes, and chord symbols for the solo section. When I try to do the same thing to other players, the chords don’t show up. Only showing on the top horn player of the main score. For some reason I got them to show on the Tenor sax voice inexplicably but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the other players charts to show the chord symbols! It makes ZERO sense. And seems to me like it’s a bug. What am I missing???

Okay, by trial and error I figured out a solution, or work around… For whatever reason, when I select a slash that ‘should’ have a chord symbol that I had pasted and do shift-Q, it shows the symbol in the text field. When I hit enter to get out of the shift-Q action, nothing happens, still doesn’t show the symbol. However, if I do that same action again, but this time I change the symbol from say… G7 to just G, and hit enter to get out of it, then ALLLLLL the symbols show up for that player. Then I have to go back to that one symbol and change it back to G7. This worked to get the symbols to show. But this is a VERY hacky approach. Either this is a bug, or there is something I’m not understanding about how to put chord symbols into slash notation for multiple players. Hopefully this is helpful for someone at some point. If anyone can explain this behavior, I’d love to get my head deeper around why it’s doing this…

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Have you double checked you have chord symbols enabled for those players?

How do I enable/disable this?

You click the link in the previous post - it points you to exactly the right page in the manual that tells you how to enable chord symbols on a per-player basis.

The route you’ve stumbled upon is not the only way to turn on chord symbols on a per-player basis - it’s just that if you start typing chord symbols on a specific stave, Dorico helpfully assumes that you probably do want chord symbols shown for that player.

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Wondering if you know the solution to this problem. I have a lead sheet as a 4 horn score. In the trumpet player I created slashes, and chord symbols for the solo section. When I try to do the same thing to other players, the chords don’t show up. Only showing on the top horn player of the main score. For some reason I got them to show on the Tenor sax voice in explicably but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the other players charts to show the chord symbols! It makes ZERO sense. And seems to me like it’s a bug. What am I missing???

This is from Layout Options in the Desktop version.

Please see this page in the Dorico for iPad operation manual:

Let us know if you still have problems!

Concerning the appearance or non-appearance of the application menu when the app first runs, we’re aware of this problem. It is indeed a bug, and we will fix it in a future Dorico for iPad update.

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Is it also possible to enable chord symbols for only one section in the music? Without using rhythm slashes

Yes, you can create Chord symbol Region/s from menu Edit, for the desired staff/staves.

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Thank you so much for sharing, that solved my problem perfectly :slight_smile: