Can't hear keyboard since updating to 5.1.8 in Dorico Pro, MacBook Pro M1


If you post a Diagnostic Report, it might show the status of the NP version you installed.

As Derrek already mentioned, yes, it’s very likely.

Do you exclusively use NotePerformer for playback or do you still have HALion Sonic and the corresponding sound libraries installed?
If you go to Play mode and choose via Play > Playback Tempate a different playback template, does then sound come out?
And also please do Help > Create Diagnostics Report and attach the corresponding zip file to a reply here. Thanks

Dorico (830.5 KB)

Yesterday playback worked. Today I’m getting no sound at all now, with perhaps an audio engine error? When I go to Dorico > Preferences > Play and switch out the Default playback template, it doesn’t change.