Cant install Steinberg Download Assistant 1.36.4

I am trying to update to Steinberg_Download_Assistant_1.36.4_Installer_mac, but whenever I try to run it, it opens and then crashes, and it won’t update. Is there a solution for this?

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Is it maybe this issue:

Thank you for this information. I read everything, but I’m scared of changing my Mac like this. I might wait for a new Steinberg update to resolve the issue. I didn’t experience this problem before; it appeared unexpectedly. Could it possibly be after I installed a new font? Is there a way to pinpoint that? Also, can I check what updates have been released on the Steinberg website and download them manually? I know that would be a hassle, but I’d prefer that over waiting for the new Steinberg Assistant version to address this issue.

Hi @RZDorico , other than pointing to that knowledge base article, I can not do for you, as I simply don’t know more about it. Another user with the same problem recently notified me of that article. He was bold enough to follow the given advice and has it now running. Shall I ask him to get in contact with you? But he is German and I don’t know his English skills, but it’s worth a try.
Also, I don’t know if there are plans to address this issue in a future update.

RZ – Are you using Safari? If so, what version? I had the same problem as you but an upgrade to the OS and Safari solved it. – Bill

I’ve just received feedback from the guys that make the Download Assistant and they say that for this particular issue there is no update planned. Unfortunately.
Your alternatives now are:

  • live with it
  • get updates not via SDA but via the download page on
  • follow the steps in the mentioned knowledgebase article
  • Wait (indefinitely?) for an update to SDA

I’m sorry to not have better news for you.

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Version 18.2 (20620. I don’t think it is safari I think it is the font issue so I guess I have to just do it

Thank you! That’s fine. I can update through the link. It would be helpful to see exactly what was included in the recent update. For instance, if all new updates were highlighted along with their dates, I could easily identify what has changed. Cheers!