Can't Merge Two Separate Instruments into One

I’m having a complete block on a score now. I scanned in a score and have an XML file that I’ve imported. It didn’t recognize the piano part as being one instrument, so the treble clef is “pianoforte 1” and the bass clef is “pianoforte 2”. I’m trying to merge these into one instrument somehow and can’t get it to work in any way. I created another “Piano” instrument with both lines in one staff and then copy/paste. When I do this with both pianoforte lines, only the treble clef line comes through. When I then go back and copy/paste the bass clef line, it pastes over the treble clef line in the new staff. So I can get either the treble line OR the bass line, but not both. I need both! Can anyone help on this one? I’m also including the file so you can see what I’m talking about, along with some screenshots.

As always, any help is greatly appreciated!

Berlioz Draft.dorico (1.3 MB)

Copy and paste the staves one at a time (first treble, then bass) into the new piano. The imported ones are treated like two separate instruments; the new one you created is a single instrument. Then delete the original two players/instruments.

You can speed this up by simply changing the instrument on Pianoforte 1 to a 2 stave piano, then copy/paste the Pianoforte 2 part into the lower stave. Delete Pianoforte 2.

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Thanks!–So all of these things I tried, but with the same effect. No matter what I did, the bass clef line kept overwriting the treble clef line. I would even select the bass clef clearly before pasting, but it would go into the treble clef. I think I found a work-around, but it’s clumsy at best. I added another line to the original pianoforte2 line–making it a 2 clef staff. Of course the material was on the top line, so I copied it to it’s on bottom line of that staff. After that, I could copy THAT bottom clef and paste it into the correct single piano line. Not sure why it was insisting on being a top line.

Hi @boomerhead, here a little video to show the probable culprit (both original instruments have a blue voice that “wants to live” in the top staff): my workflow (that is probably very similar to what you made) shows how to force Dorico to create other voices (with different colors) for the same material, so to avoid the duplicate blue voice “that wants to live on the upper staff” (I know this is not a very technical description of the issue but is probably what caused the strange pasting behaviour) :slight_smile: :

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WOW! Christian, this is very helpful. I will activates those colors next time so I see what’s going on a bit better. Knowing about the option-click is quite helpful. Thank you so much!