I’m trying to create templates for some upcoming work. I made one just so and imported some flows from another file. I can see that the flows are there in setup, but the write pane is totally blank.
I have no idea what I have done wrong in the import and setup of this project.
The screenshot shows the “a redele fun yankev” flow selected, and assigned to only the Violin player (and all the layouts). Check that the appropriate players are included in the flows.
When you add new flows manually in Setup, all players are assigned to them by default, but when you import flows, it depends on the content. If it’s an empty flow it gets assigned to only the first instrument.
Can you cut the project down? We don’t need everything in there. 4 bars of each flow should be enough. Also, apply the Silence Playback Template. This will reduce size.
You have the Full Score displayed at the moment. What flows are highlighted when you click on the Full Score Layout in the right zone?
You may have a situation where the Violin is assigned to Flow 5 and the Full Score, but no Flows are assigned to the Full Score. This would result in what you’re seeing.
I’m not sure you quite have it – there is no music visible in any of the imported flows regardless of instrument part or full score. I don’t see any “white page” even for the blank “flow 1”. I can’t cut down to four bars per flow because there is no music visible in any of the flows.
The Page Template for your Full Score was set to use the Default Part template.
If you go to Engrave mode and open the right zone, you’ll see that the Default Part template has no First Page. I think this is why nothing is appearing.
So I’m understanding that it’s not possible to have only one page template that covers all flows? I find it deeply annoying to have to try to create the exact same page layout in both first page, default page, and part layout pages – particularly since it is impossible to copy/paste boxes into the engraving boxes; the image boxes never stay the same size/shape and almost always lose the image when opening and closing files; and, there is no way to precisely define the size of the various boxes (like in Indesign).
I’ll carry on with the usual muddling around I have been doing, though I had hoped that it would be possible to create a lead sheet page layout template that I could use for making charts for workshops and to layout the folio I’m working on.
Yes, you can have one template covering all flows. Also, if you only use part layouts or only score layouts, you will only have to have one template set, not separate for parts and score.
You won’t have to, but I am adding here only so you know for sure that you can type in values in the properties panel when you create frames of various kinds.
No one will stop you but I am sure that you eventually with the help here in the forum will get exactly the template you want, no muddling around!
your page template has no music frame in it, so Dorico doesn’t have a place to put your music. If you drag a music frame in the template (you can also copy L → R), then your music will appear.
I know that it is possible to define box sizes in the properties panel at the bottom of the pane. However, the only option is to define the box in relation to the page size. Indesign gives the option to define the absolute size of a box and to define it in relationship to the entire page. In other words, if I want a 1.5" x 1.5" box somewhere on the page, in Dorico I have to do the math on the page size to calculate the correct dimensions rather than creating a 1.5" box and then moving it to the correct position by setting it against a margin dimension for placement.
This is ok for making scores for workshops and demos but I still need to use indesign for laying out folios and books for print.
In recognition of this fact it would be great if the Dorico team created an option in the ‘slices’ panel to snap the slice box to the precise outside margins of the music – as it is now, it’s guess work as to whether you’ve got just the music without cutting off the ends of bars.
I added the music frame and that solved the problem. I’ve been trying to set up a template that I can use for laying out a tune book and started the templates completely from scratch rather than doing the “save as” option i’ve been working with for the last several years.
The size of Frames can be defined relative to the distances from all four page margins, or you can constrain them to one horizontal and one vertical, e.g. the top and left margins and then set an explicit height and width in the properties panel.
If you want to create a Frame with an explicit height and width, put the Frame on the page in the usual way, then turn off two of the constraint padlocks in the left panel, and you’ll find that there are height and width properties available to you in the lower zone.
That’s useful information I never in a million years would have figured out without assistance. In layout programs, they put the option to select x/y axis dimensions right next to the ‘how big do you want your box to be’ options.
Anyway, since there’s no way to use the mouse to manually move boxes around it’s a bit of a moot point. I’ve also found the graphic boxes to be incredibly unstable, so for anything more serious than a workshop lead sheet I use Indesign.
thanks tho - this will help when restoring graphic boxes when they inevitably collapse and lose their images.