Can't transpose specific imported .WAV from input line

Hi there,

New user here: I’m trying to make Cubase transpose an imported file of a guitar recording, to match the pitch of the digital bass guitar I’ve added.

I want to use the method in the info-line as instructed in this video.

Somehow the infoline shows the transpose option on one file (loopThree) but not when choosing another (loopOne) (see attached images).

Both files are from the same recording, and should have been treated in the same way, so I don’t quite get why one gets the option to transpose and the other doesn’t? I’ve also noticed I’m not getting the triangles to edit fade-in’s on the loopOne and loopTwo files.

Thanks in advance!

SOLVED: Probably because I used the glue tool. Once I click on the file and select different parts it does work.

Audio > Dissolve Part

And the thing the Part dissolves into is an Audio Event and not a Part. Events and Parts follow different rules so it’s useful to be clear which is which.