can't update to cubase 9.0.20

Can’t update from 9.0.10 !!!
The error: cannot find the msi package?!:

the right message in franch:
package d’installation pour le produit Steinberg Cubase 9 introuvable.Réesseayez d’exécuter WindowsInstaller avec un package d’installation valide Cubase9.msi

Thanks for an advice
Best regards

This topic gives a work around for a similar issue for Cubase 8.5. Probably will work for you too.

Regards. :sunglasses:

Not tested for the moment : lot of bad report in this forum!!.Why?

It does look like some are having issues.

But, realize this… there are 82415 members of this forum.

I don’t know how many have CB9 but, it seems like a high majority are most likely not having issues.

Luckily, I am one who is having no issues at all with my Cubase software.

I hope you have a similar experience. :wink:

Regards :sunglasses:

Found the Cubase9.msi and installed the 9.0.2 update whitout problem and no bugs
Best regards