Cant use Wavelab 11 on 48 kHz on OSx


I worked the last years on my Mac M1 with my Wavelab Elements 11 . I used it on 44,1 kHz now the Same Wing Console Users 48 kHz , i changed it on wavelab in the Setting but it cant work now on 48 it Saus any time i have to use 44,1. i rebootet the whole system many times After set it to 48. i saw a lot of topics in the Internet wird the Same Problem but no one had a Solution for this. Any ideal how to do this ? Thanks

Try to explain again, I don’t get it.

I think what they are saying is:

  • they use a particular ‘console’ that was formerly restricted to 44.1 kHz
  • the same ‘console’ now accepts 48 kHz (firmware upgrade maybe?)
  • the user updated settings in WL (not sure what that means but guess to 48 kHz)
  • the system refuses to work at 48 kHz send messages (from either the ‘console’ or WL) that it must be 44.1 kHz.

Is this correct @citricacid ?

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Maybe the sampling rate needs to be set in the Wing Console and WaveLab follows?
Is it Behringer Wing Console?
If Wing is supporting 44.1 or 48 kHz then WaveLab should work…
Tell more about Mac and drivers e.t.c …

regards S-EH

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thanks for your replay, yes i have my wing on 48khz and my settings in wavelab on 48 khz too. but Wavelab doesnt switch to 48 khz. Ther are no specific drivers needed for the wing. its class complient. i did a big update o;the behringer wing console and use now the 48 khz, i used wave lab many years with this console same mac but just on 44,1 khz. but now also the 44,1 doesnt work anymore. My DAW and other programms still work. i readed on myny forums and sites that other users have the same problem with other interfacec etc… very starnge.

Sorry to hear it must be some setting or preferences but witch one?
PG or someone else?

regards S-EH

If you add the WaveLab Resampler plugin and set it to 48kHz, does it solve the problem?

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ah never heard from this plug in but i will try. Sorry for my stupid question, where i it to find. or is it allread y installed ?

EDIT: Found it in the Plug in list, will test it and give you a feedback. thanks

you are brilliant, thanks. now i can play it. will try the same on my other mac. great you saved me a lot of trouble.

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yes that is correct.