CC MIDI Part to Track Automation in Cubase 7.5

I’m trying find out if there’s a way to push the MIDI part CC data to that tracks’ Automation data.
In other words after recording a MIDI Part along with it’s CC Data like Modulation, I’d like to see and be able to edit that data using Track Automation.
Currently I only can see the outline of the MIDI data in the track automation and the changes made in the track automation add or subtract from the MIDI data.

Is that possible?

HI you, yes it is possible:

There is a General Setting to write Automation instead of recording midi as Controller data.

If you have already Controller data in a midi track, simply select the part containing the Controller data and select in the midi menu convert Controller to Automation. This does the trick. Please have a look at the Manual as well, because you will find there a detailled Explanation how eventually conflicting cc and Automation data are treated.

Cheers, Ernst

PS.: You can even decide per CC Command whether it shall be recorded as Controller data or as Automation data!

Thank you Ernst.

Initially I could not find that function, but later found it in MIDI / Functions / Extract MIDI Automation.
That did the trick. This was the only missing link for me.

Thanks again!


Hi Andrew,

I am glad i could help.

I have to appologize that my hints are not detailled enough - my “Problem” is that I am using a german Version and i am often not sure about the correct words for the english Counterparts of menus and functions. So I tend to be a Little bit vague.

Sorry for that again and I am glad it works for you now.

Cheers, Ernst

Thank you as well Ernst.

I was also wondering about this a few days ago when doing some MIDI tracks.

Is there a way to go in reverse – move the Track Automation into a Region?