Hi all,
My CC121 has had this issue since I purchased it secondhand. While everything else seems to work fine, it’s unfortunately unusable for me because on top of the physical fader not consistently controlling the DAW track fader, it will also make changes without any input.
The video attached is me simply using the Channel Select buttons to move back and forth between tracks, nothing else. You can see that the track volume not only glitches at high speed, but near the end you’ll see it make a drastic change. The physical fader isn’t moving at all for any of this, so I wouldn’t even notice the changes being made if I were quickly moving around a project.
I know there are lots of forum posts on CC121 fader problems but I haven’t seen this one exactly yet. Hoping someone has an idea so I don’t have a big paper weight here
I don’t know if this is any help at all, but what you described is very similar to what I experienced when my MC Control’s fader #1 started crapping out. According to Avid (prevaricators that they are, but I have no choice but to take their word for it) and the place I took it for repair (they couldn’t do it), it was a short somewhere in the electronics-- but we will never know, as it has become just another lumpen technological reminder of a previous age sitting in the Milk Crate of Lost Tech, and I as well got a used CC121.
I’d check the fader, but who knows? Maybe a bad usb cable? Iffy connection somewhere? That jerkiness on the “R” enabled track does bring back memories of the MC Control trying to jump the volume up to full blast or halfway up against the automation I wrote to keep it from doing that.
In other words, deeply annoying, and I feel your pain. Wish I could be of greater service.
Thanks, Chewy. I’ll take to a repair place this week and see if they can do anything with it. Will update here.
Merry Christmas and sorry for the dumb question but are you using the power supply for the CC121, or just the USB cable?
Thanks, hope you had a good Christmas too!
I was using both the factory CC121 power supply and a usb cable.
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Ah, ok. It must be the fader then. Because I remember an acquintance of mine used to run a CC121 without the power adapter, and the symptoms were exactly the same. (Fader wouldn’t move because it didn’t have any juice avalaible, but still overrode values in Cubase all the same with the one(s) the fader was currently jittering around, unpowered and all.