Change all

Hi all,

Finale had a nice little feature where you had the possibility to change all expressions for the whole piece. For instance I had several fff in the piece and I wanted to change them all to ff, but only the fff (not ppp to ff etc:). Instead of doing it one by one in the whole piece I could mark the staves and do it with change all. Are there any similar feature in Dorico?

Not exactly that I know of but there’s this.


But then you probably change all dynamics and just the fff…

Yes, afraid so.


Yes, there is, but not as good!

If you choose edit > notations > dynamics.

You will see two options to decrease and increase dynamic intensity (as per Jesper above).

If you choose one of them, it will adjust all the dynamics in whatever music you have selected.

It’s a great feature.

In your case, you’ll have to select all the fffs first by hand. At the moment, Dorico filtering won’t allow you to select particular dynamics.

But it’s a lot quicker than changing them by hand.

Hi @martinlarson77, based on on the suggestions above, here a little workflow example:

  • select all
  • filter to select only immediate dynamics
  • with the marquee selection active, remove from the selection the dynamics that you don’t want to edit, keeping alt(option)+command(control) pressed, and drag what you want to subtract from your selection
  • use the contextual menu on the remaining selected fff (to increase or decrease dynamic intensity):

Here a short video:

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