Change Order of Channels in MixConsole?

Hi, in Cubase 12 pro: is there a possibility to change the Order of the Channels in the MixConsole Window? Or is it only possible in the Project window?


No, it’s linked to the project window. On the other hand, you can create as many visibility configurations as you want in the MixConsole Window. I find this very convenient and it makes the visibility of the MixConsole less cluttered.

Thanks, different Mix-Settings are really practical.
I would find it also very practical to have the possibility to change the Channel order also in the MixConsole: My Setups are always with a Signal flow from Left to right. In the Mixer I can see immediately the Sends, and when I (have to) insert a new send on a Track, that is on the right side of the FX-destination, I “have to” shift the Desination FX-Channel to the right of the Track with the new send. so that my Signalflow L–>R is always preserved (I Know that the Signals can go also from R–>L it’s just my Setup, that I have an overview over my Signal-Flow.)

This is number 1 on my wishlist

I think it’s usual that you do the Routing in the Mix Console and not in the Project. During arranging I don’t need any FX-Channels in the Project win, so only in the Mixer. So why shifting the FX-Tracks in the arranger? Makes No sense for me. But it’s a disadvantage I can live with. Coming from Pro Tools, which I actually really like but was always struggling with instability problems. Then changed to Studio One for a few months and recognized, I can’t live with this stupid idea, that the mute function of an Instrument track is not synced in the Mixer and the Arranger. When you work with 80 Instruments and you have to search the mute button always twice… Cubase looks pretty good, but I’m since only 2 weeks into it.


I don’t know much about other software, I’ve been using Cubase since SX3 and I didn’t feel the need to look elsewhere. The current MxiConsole was a major change and more than facilitating in my opinion.

The location or arrangement of the tracks in the project window is linked to the MixConsole window. Of course we each have our own way of seeing things, a bit like each engineer has his own way of arranging the instruments with a 16, 24 or 48 track console. Some will prefer to assign the first 5 or 8 inputs to the drums followed by two inputs for bass, guitars, etc.; and others will prefer to have the drums and bass in the center of the console. This type of organization is done in the project window and it is simply reflected in the MixConsole window. Routing to the main output is generally done when creating the track or when importing a template specially designed to do the mixing, at least that’s it is my way of doing things.

I’m not saying this query is useless, but I’m asking the question: Is it possible? If yes, why not!

In the meantime, the visibility settings of the MixConsole window combined with the organization of the tracks of the Project window offer a way to manage the display of the MixConsole window in a very convenient way, at least for my needs. Here are some displays of a friend’s project with only audio tracks for which I did the mixing.

Feature request goes back years. We really should be able to re-arrange the tracks (re-order) in the mix console(s). No real reason for not being able to do it.

This should apply for all track types and should be reflected in all views.

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I find @tiptom’s query interesting, but could you elaborate a bit more on this.

Let’s say you’re setting up a template with a ton of tracks and you all of a sudden realize they really should be in a different order. It might be easier to see why the order should be different when you’re in the mixer for example because you use different track visibility settings in different mixers. I use Nuendo and mixer #4 is for groups and outputs when I do exports at the end of a job, so if I see something wrong with the order I’ll see it there but generally not in the project window because my outputs are normally hidden there. To change it I have to go back to the project window.

Also, here’s an image of my outputs (temporarily enabled in this project window / mixer view):

Notice that the order is different and it isn’t because tracks are hidden. The highlighted “STEREO MIX CURSES” appears in one place in the mixer and another in the project window. Here are the other relevant windows:

So imagine that I want to change the order of outputs to make it easier to find outputs in my export window as well as faster to select them - I can’t. Changes in the project window stays there for outputs. I would basically have to either relabel and reroute things in the outputs tab in Audio Connections or just delete / recreate / reroute. And rerouting sometimes won’t work because of track channel counts (worse in my 5.1 template).

Hopefully you can see why it’s inconvenient the way it is now. And when I say there’s no real reason for not being able to do it I mean it’s hard to argue that we shouldn’t be able to do it. Perhaps it takes more programming resources than they want to allocate to changing it, or perhaps there’s some technical problem we’re not seeing, but we really should be able to rearrange just like we can in Pro Tools and other DAWs.

Hope that makes sense, and sorry if I’m misunderstanding something.

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Yes it’s inconvenient how it’s now. Working on my 1st project and already had to go back to the Project 10 times just to move my FX-Channels, because I’m doing a new routing. This whole function is not about which tracks I see or not, it’s about to change the position. My signalflow is always from L to R. and I will keep that. I If you go into all directions, you can quickly loose the overview… I don’t understand why this is not possible: it’s not colliding with any of the Mouse functions. (not like my try to shift sends from one slot to another on the same Channel → my other thread).

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