Change playback instrument

Hi all!

I’m having a Synthesizer for my project and I want to load a Synth (Sylenth1 by Lennar Digital) into it. By default I am using NotePerformer.
Is there a way to use a VST Instrument instead of noteperformer just for this one instrument?

If so, how?

Thanks in advance!

Just load your synth in the VST and MIDI tab in Play mode (hit the plus sign and choose your VST)

Then route the Synth part in your score to that VST in Track Routing. (set the channel number to 1 and use the Default Expression Map)

Thank you very much!

I just messed this whole thing up somehow and cannot fix it anymore.

I have to instances of NotePerformer (for some reason, the second instance is for the second instrument a player is holding).
I then added a new one, but Sylenth1 is now in Noteperformer.
So every track is now played back by Sylenth1, not Noteperformer.

As you can see, in Play Mode, if I click on the “e” next to 02 - Noteperformer, it opens up Sylenth1 but not Noteperformer!

If I add a new VST with NotePerformer and assign it, my expression maps and the instrument routing is not working anymore.

Is there an easy way to fix this?

I would suggest re-applying the NotePerformer playback template, and then manually adding your synth plug-in assignment again.