Change selection from dynamics to notes using keyboard

Hi all,

If I have (say) a dynamic selected, is there a way to use the keyboard to change my selection to a note? Scenario: All the note entry has already been done, but I realized I need to go back and add a lot of dynamics. But so far, my workflow seems to be: shift+D, “p”, enter, move hand to mouse, click on the next note, move hand back to keyboard, shift+D, “mf”, etc. Any time I have to move my hand from keyboard to mouse or vice-versa, I assume I must be doing something wrong.

I just realized I can use Tab to switch between slurs, dynamics, and notes, but even this doesn’t seem reliable (I suspect this has to do with there being multiple voices).

If anyone can tell me the secret incantation for this, I’d appreciate it. :smiley:


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Tab is the ticket. It should reliably cycle through all options.

I typically find it much quicker to input dynamics from the caret, including gradual dynamics.
See Inputting dynamics with the popover

Rather than start a new thread, my issue is similar to this. I would like to keep my hands on the computer keyboard as I’m writing, and I can’t figure out how to move the selection focus from something like a key or time signature and to a note.
The only workaround is to ‘select all’ then down arrow and that will select one of the bass notes, then I navigate from there.–if that makes sense…
Tab and shift-tab don’t work in these instances.
Is there a way to do this? To shift between selecting any object or note without having to use a mouse?

Welcome to the forum, Greg. At the moment it’s not possible to navigate from a system-wide item like a barline, time signature or key signature to a staff-specific item. This is definitely something we’d like to allow, not least because it would be helpful to users with visual impairment and other accessibility needs, but it’s not something that Dorico can currently provide for.

I ran across a good example of the tabbing issue. It does work reliably, but not necessarily conveniently.

Dorico Tuplet Tabbing

In the above image, if I want to use Tab to move from the selected note to select a tuplet bracket, I am forced to move over to the A on beat 1 of the new measure, press Tab, and now I’m selecting the tuplet bracket under the F chord. Then I can move left to select the tuplet under the Gb chord.

Likewise, if I have the tuplet under the Gb chord selected, such as below, pressing Tab has no effect. I assume because the first beat of the tuplet is a rest rather than a note. I have to move over to the tuplet bracket under the F chord, then press Tab in order to get back to the notes.
Dorico Tuplet Tabbing 2

On first thought it feels like allowing tabbing from rests would help things feel more consistent, but I haven’t thought through to the logical conclusion or any unintended consequences.

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