Change Song parts

First off, there is a bug with actions Data Offset, it is not always applied, this will be fixed with the next version, sorry.
Second, to clarify how it works: if you have a controller, its first MIDI byte sets which controller (0 = Breat Control etc), and its 2nd MIDI byte is added the data offset (or, in the case of Program Change, it is applied to the first and only data byte). As said, there is a bug with that when set to Dial or Fader. But you can at least test it w/o data offset, the data byte should determine which Part is selected (starting from 0 => Part 1).

Thank you for your info. So accordingly I need to wait for an update with the bug fixed

Depends…… can you do a simple task to find this out:

  • open VL’s MIDI Monitor
  • hit only the controllers on your MIDIcontroller in ascending sequence. Only the ones you want to use fire your PARTS. Nothing else!!!
  • send screenshot with the listed messsages

:exclamation:DO NOT SEND ANY OTHER CC, then the ones you’re going to exclusively use switching PARTS :exclamation:

Kindly check with this

HI! I’m a bit confused both with that I see and both with possible solution.

Let’s say… You are going to fire PARTS with these CC#52-55, right?

Tested today’s fresh version and it offsets now all the needed data.
So to fire PART4 with MIDI#CC … say 53… you need to offset -50 (PART1 No. is “counted” by code as PART#0)