Change Song parts

How to change song parts using a separate midicontroller just as we could change in Mainstage or Gigperformer. In Gig performer it is possible to shift from Part 1 to any part using custom MIDI learn option. Is the similar feature available in VST live. Trying hard to find it

Hi! Yes!
Find commands under:
DEVICES/Actions & Shortcuts
“Project” TAB

Thank you for your reply. I tried but it has an option just to next and previous parts. If I want to jump from part 1 part 6 or different part is it possible to directly trigger using a MIDI controller

No, no… there is an extra row:
Dial PART. There you can fire PART “dialled”.
Also dont forget activate “flex-loop”

Can you please tell how to do it? I see it but i don’t know how to use them

  • Screenshot please where are you stucked (the complete row)
  • Also write me please a MIDI-value-range where the MIDI#CC’s should fire a PART

Maybe I can see your problem…
have a look on the “OFFSET” value… e.g. your MIDI NoteOn is starting with 36-37-38… they will fire PART 36-37-38… but your want to fire PART1-2-3… then OFFSET value is the solution

Please have a look

This 2nd one is needed too
Oh… and better to add - as the 3rd one - a Screenshot about MIDI-MONITOR with received MIDI messages from your controller

Between CC32-39

there is one problem sure, the offset value.

Still the received MIDI messages screenshot is not sent.

Can you please tell me what should i set with the offset value

Does this have that need message recieved by the computer

“MIDI Monitor” is under Devices dropdown menu. Screenshot what is received from your MIDI-controller

okay. let’s make it in another way:
Select line and click learn, then hit one and only key on your MIDI CC, the same exact button which should fire PART 1.

Then screenshot here from that line

Yes I just followed as per you said Kindly have a look

Hi! I think you need to set “SOURCE” to Data1 if CC#No is changing and their value doesn’t count. And broaden Data1 from/to range like
“Controller 48 - Controller 54” and hold the line will come back later…

Tried but seems not working as expected. Would be glad if you could help when possible for you