Change voices - tuplets - have I missed a trick?

If I have a two part triplet chord on a staff and want to split it into separate voices using the “change voice” / new downstem voice,
I end up with the upper part still intact as a triplet but the downstem part turns into a duplet with the third note shifted to the next beat.

I can deal with it by erasing the relevant lower voice notes using shortcut ‘v’ to make sure I’m dealing with that lower voice then create a new triplet.

Should it work like that or have I missed something? Thanks for any advice.

If I’m understanding the editing operation you’re describing correctly, you’ve not missed anything. At the moment Dorico’s not clever enough to know that it should duplicate the tuplet when you split some of the notes in the chords into a new voice.

Ah. Thank you for your quick response. It’s something I can live with but can prepare in advance by deleting the lower part tuplet before splitting the voices. Then I’ll only have to deal with that tuplet.

I got the same problem too,
I have a very long part, all with tuplets, that I need to split in 2 voices.
I was wondering if there are some tricks to easily convert an amount of bar from 4/4 with tuplets in 12/8 removing tuplets automatically, then i can separate the
voices and after restore the 4/4 with tuplets.
Does something like that exist?

I think it would be more efficient to find a workflow to copy the notes with the tuplets…
You could

  1. select all,
  2. filter out one voice and
  3. copy that to a voice. Then, in the original material,
  4. deleting only the copied notes (without the tuplets selected, using filter top notes or bottom notes) should clean everything.

At the end I’m doing like this,

  • I create a new project with 4 staves
  • copyed the original material in a staff
  • selected the highest notes and pasted in an other staff
  • the same with bottom notes and changed voice
  • merged togheter the two new lines in the last staff (with Q)
  • copied on the original project

not very fast but it work.

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Nice. What’s important is to do with the tools provided. If you’re comfortable with shortcuts and have a good set of them, I still think the solution I gave is faster, but what’s important is that you know what you’re doing, that it’s predictable and reliable, and you’re not wasting time. And since you found your solution, it will probably make more sense to you! :ok_hand:

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I think there’s a marginally quicker way, with a passage like this:

  1. select the passage
  2. Filter > Notes in Chords > Bottom Notes, which will include the tuplets
  3. copy
  4. filter to deselect the tuplets, so the tuplets are no longer selected
  5. delete
  6. Paste Special > Paste into Voice > New Down-stem Voice
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Dorico 4 now handles this case automatically. Just:

  • Select the passage and filter for the bottom notes (ignore the tuplets)
  • Type Shift-V to move them to a new voice

Dorico 4 copies the tuplets while moving the notes.

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