changing colour in keyboard edit ?

i’d like to know how i can change colouring system in keyboard edit ( in cubase essentiel 5):
Since now the parameter for colour is “velocity” ; so in function of velocity the events are differently coloured ; High vel. = red , low vel. = blue.
But when i open 3 parts at the same time, they appear all three in the same colour :red or blue or purple .
What i want is to have part 1 in green , part 2 in yellow and part 3 in red . How can i manage this?

Thanks .

Hi and welcome,

In the task bar, there is a Color drop-down menu. Here you can choose, if you want to use Velocity, MIDI Part, MIDI Channel, Pitch… If the drop-down menu is not there, right-click to the task bar, and enable it.