Changing positioning of a tie in score not showing on the individual part in print preview

In my score I moved a tie to the left so that it indicates a tie to the last note in the measure prior to the 1st ending:

It doesn’t propagate to the individual part, how to I get this to be consistent?

before you move the tie in the score, make sure that your property scope is set to global in the top right of the lower zone.
If you want to apply this after the fact, there is a propagate properties function, you can look for it via the Jump Bar.

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I’m doing something wrong when I try to use the Jump Bar. I bring it up and press Enter after I pull up Propagate Properties and nothing changes in the Print preview for the individual part.

Are you doing so in Write Mode or Engrave Mode? Only the properties available in the current mode can be propagated. So you would need to be in Engrave Mode.

I’m in Engrave Mode - that’s where I’m able to move the positioning even though in Write mode is where I’m able to toggle the lv tie on/off.

Ah wait, nevermind, I was looking at the wrong tie, it’s propagating.

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glad it worked!

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