Changing the buffer size in C10 on Mac results in a long pause.

This didn’t happen in earlier versions – there was always an audio drop out but this is an actual pause of about about 6 seconds where Cubase is frozen. Is anyone else experiencing this? This is on Mojave. If it’s another issue with the Mojave security dearie then Steinberg needs to get on it because I have no issues at all with Pro Tools and Reaper on the same system.

Is ASIO Guard on? If so, try turning it off.

I get this now when I first start Cubase - when I press play, the playback cursor sets off, but it takes 5 seconds or so for the audio to kick in. Then everything is fine.

If I change the I/O template I get the same thing.

This is also C10 on Mojave. C9.5 is fine.