Changing the flag symbol on single eighth notes

Hi. Looking for your expert advice on this problem. Former Finale user and working with a client whom I’ve worked for many times before. I talked them into transitioning into Dorico for their project. In Finale they had created a template where they changed the character that they used for eighth note flags. It basically is a shorter flag with less “curl”. Is there anyway I can do this in Dorico. Thank you.

I see a music symbol dialogue box with exactly the correct flag I want to use. I don’t see how to apply it to my document.

Hi Linda.
Check Library->Engraving Options->Notes->Stems-Flag Design


Hi Jesele, thank you, I’ve been there, but I’m not seeing how to change the flag style. I found what I wanted in the music symbols menu, but I can’t figure out how to apply it.

Select Straight flags and click apply. It’s global so will be for all flags.


I don’t want the straight flags… I need a flag with a shorter flag length

Ah, I see, then I dont know. Maybe try some other music fonts under Library->Music fonts. There are all the Finale fonts.


thank you. Dorico does allow different music glyphs in it’s font. There must be a way to select a new glyph and apply it to your document… :grinning:

Try Library->Music symbols->Flags


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That’s it. How did you get it to apply to your document?

Click the waste basket (or trash can if you wish) to remove the current one.
Then double-click the shorter one under flags to the right.


YES!!.. Thank you so much Jesper. It worked.

Great, and do the same for the down stem one.


I did… Thank you again!!!

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Linda, can you please check the solution for Jasper? :wink: