Changing the size of a note

How can I reduce the size note heads. I did it once before but now I can’t remember. I’m trying to reduce one note head in a piano accompaniment (75%). It’s driving me crazy since I did it once and now I can’t remember.

Select the note and change the size in Properties panel…

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I believe this reduces the whole note-stem object, perhaps the OP wanted the note head only?

If you want to reduce the size of only one note head in a chord, you’ll need to define a new notehead set with smaller symbols, and then use that notehead set for the note in question.

Never mind. I figured out myself.

That’s good!
Because now you can thank yourself :wink:

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I have the same problem. After 20 years of Finale I’m on my 2nd day of Dorico, so forgive my dumb question, but how do I get to “common in Properties Panel”?

Welcome, @ola1

The Properties panel is at the bottom of the window. If it’s been hidden, you can bring it up by clicking on the little ^ at the bottom; or pressing Command 8 (CTRL 8 on PC).

If the lower panel is showing something else, like the Piano roll, then select the first icon here:

The Properties panel is fairly essential for making modifications to objects.

Make sure you take the “Tour” that shows you around the interface, and check out some of the videos to help you learn your way around. Don’t just assume you’ll work it out by looking around!

Hi Ola1
I too am a Finale refugee (I was at it for about the same time). I’ve only been with Dorico 5 a little over a month and it’s been quite a challenge. However, it DOES get easier as you go along. It’s interesting. In my frustration I’ve had and asked for a lot of help. The folks at Dorico have been very patient. Some solutions have worked; but some that don’t have led me to find my own way. I remember that was the case early on in my Finale life.
Ergo, hang in there .