Check for Updates still points to Dorico 2

The menu item Help → Check for Updates still directs me to the Dorico 2 update website.

Ironic, the update checker is not up to date.

Are you running 2 or 3? Dorico 3 isn’t an update to Dorico 2. It’s a different install, and paid. An update would be 2.2.30 or whatever.

Dan, that’s irrelevant. The Help > Check for Updates button in Dorico 3 links to the same URL as the Help > Check for Updates button in Dorico 2. This is already on the team’s radar but it can’t be fixed until a Dorico update is released, as changing the resolved URL will result in the wrong update page displaying for people still on Dorico 2.

Hi Captainbanaynays and Dan,

Daniel made a post about this. Dorico 3 doesn’t direct to the Dorico 3.0.10 update. I believe it is due to be fixed and an update. Alternatively, one can use the Steinberg Download Assistance

I was about to write a post about this! Pretty silly bug.