Checking licenses takes 30 secs every time is that normal? mac

just a question:
Everytime I start the app on my macbook M1 it takes about 30 secs showing “checking licenses” independent of the version of the app…that was faster in win11…
Is that usual/normal?

… no. Are you running arm64 or x86_64? Is your SDA (Steinberg Download Assistant) up-to-date? Just start it and see if updates needs to be installed? Still 30 seconds? (Meanwhile I will talk to our Licenses-Colleagues).

Thank you,

Hi @Volker_Petersen,
if the problem remains after you tried what Michael suggested,
please open the Steinberg Activation Manager and open the top-right menu. In the settings menu, disable the “Automatic License Management” (or in German “Automatisches Lizenz-Management”) and check if the problem still remains.
Additionally, please go in to the Activation Manager menu again and create a diagnostic report and send it to me via DM for me to check if this problem really comes from our licensing system.

updating the SDA just helped for one time!
then I quit the app and launched it again and it´s the same waiting…
I´m running offline just with an access point…
and I guess I´m running “arm64” which I guess is the usual system…just installed it on an 2022 macbook M1 and that is quiet fast…

Hi SKnapp;
Grrrreat !!!
Disabling the “Automatic License Managment” solved the problem.
started 3 times now…everytime very very fast !

Thank you so much !

That’s good!
Could you still send me the diagnostic report? I might be able to see what takes so long…

I would send it BUT:
HOW to create a diagnostic report…and - sorry - what do you mean with “via DM” ?
sometimes I feel old AND stupid… :flushed:

Hi Volker,

it is pretty simple. Start the Activation Manager and click on the Profile icon in the upper right corner. In the menu, that shows up click on “Fehlerdiagnose erstellen”.

And DM simply means “Direct Message”, which is a message to @SKnapp that does not show up here in the public forum.

To do that simply click on the avatar from @SKnapp and in the profile you see the message button.

Hi Jürgen, thank you!
Did it like you wrote…

Timeout - no web access?

Hi Clive,
Disabling the “Automatic License Managment” solved the problem.

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Hi Micheal,
I just discovered that my System (macbook M1 sequoia 15.1) is running VST live (2.1.32) in x86_64.
you asked about that and now I want to know if that is right…and…if not…HOW do I make it running “arm64” if that is better…?
Thanx in advance

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See you,

… the next Pre-Release has fixed that problem. You can then enable the “Automatic License Management” setting.
