Will it be possible to one day just select “show chord symbols” for a specific instrument? I’m working on a musical theater chart and I need chord symbols in the piano part but not so much in the bass or vibes part. Its a bit of a headache trying to decide where I need the chord symbols more and the options are very confusing - all instruments or rhythm. I want just piano honestly.
That’s easy enough to do.
Set Layout Options>Chord symbols… to show over specific instruments.
In Setup, set every Player, except Piano, to hide for all instruments (note: all instruments in this instance means all instruments held by that player)
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I’ve been misinterpreting that this entire time. I always thought it meant all instruments included in the score - not all the instruments held by the player. D’oh!
You’re not the first, and won’t be the last!
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(I still am of the humble opinion that the wording here is a little bit suboptimal…)