Chord Symbols: feature requests

Hi @dspreadbury !

— Please, may we have an option where the 6/9 chord shows like s stacked 69 with no horizontal separator like below?


instead of this:

CleanShot 2023-12-06 at 13.46.35@2x

— May we have another option for adjusting the width of the horizontal line used for Slash Chords?

CleanShot 2023-12-06 at 13.49.53@2x

I’d liked to stretch more the horizontal line from the example above by 1 or few bits of a space. It’d be great too if we could tweak the angle of that horizontal line.

Thanks a lot, Dorico Team for taking these in consideration.

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Hi Nor!
Is that last chord the first inversion of that dominant chord, or a polychord? My understanding was that those horizontal lines were specifically reserved for polychords…


Hi Marc!

It’s rather a stacked arrangement of a slash chord:

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This is one I got tired of waiting on and just did it myself. You simply need a doricolib file to redefine the 6.slash.stacked.9 composite to not use the separator. I’m not 100% sure if this is all I did, as my own chord symbol doricolib file has a ton of stuff in it now LOL, but I think all you need to do is open the composites.xml file, copy the CompositeDefinition entry that defines the 6.slash.stacked.9 composite into the appropriate section of new doricolib file, then delete the middle part that adds the glyph.csac.smufl.glyph.slash.stacked glyph. Then that suffix will have been redefined not to use the slash.

You may need to play around with the xOffset and/or yOffset values to get everything looking correct, but it should work. You’ll need to add the doricolib file to your DefaultLibraryAdditions folder of course, and I don’t think it will work on existing files unless you bring it in with the Library Manager, but should work on all new files.

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I typically only use the horizontal slash for polychords too, just to distinguish it from a chord over a bass note.