Chord track chords stall key editor window if chords also selected in chord track

I am trying to incorporate this powerful tool today because I have not really found a way to do so previously.

I play in some chords.
Then I use "Create Chord symbols
Then I drag those created chords on the chord track down to another midi instrument to compare the voicings.
then I hit my open editor key command while the new chords and the chord track symbols are selected.
at this point, I get a beach ball for a couple minutes while Cubase tries to open the editor for both the midi event and the chord symbols.

I suppose I will have to remember to deselect the chord symbols but this is not a very natural way to work.
I would suggest that the chord symbols are automatically deselected after the new midi region is created.

Thank you

I am most interested in using this tool to help me find cadences that I may not otherwise consider.


I cannot reproduce it here. The Key Editor opens immediately even if the Chord event is selected in the Project window.

I have my project window split into two using the “Divide Track List” button so the chord track stays viewable at all times. Maybe this is the cause?

To be clear. The midi event is in the bottom part of the track list and the chord track is in the top part of the track list.

Thanks, Martin.