Chord Track - You beauty!!


Cannot believe Steiny actually will help me write songs.

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

SB you are the best, I’d have paid double for this one feature.

Goodbye guitar emulators good riddance…

Aloha and good to hear.

You seem to be the first one to post after installation
and trying it.

Good Luck

it sure was implemented by a post of mine in this very forum. You can send me the money via paypal. Thanks :mrgreen:

Ooh yeah :sunglasses:

I’m cycling a song, no latency or glitches same as before (all my plugs at this time are VST 2.4 and above).

Project page looks nice, don’t fully understand the theory behind the new ASIO situation though.

I’m confident enough to save projects over existing but for convenience, or archival purposes I will make a new folder since I’m sure now my songs will take on a rather different tone with this new Chord Track feature.

just seen the youtube video breakdown.

this looks brilliant, finally be able to get those chords out of my head and into the charts !!! :laughing:

It’s a beautifull feature ! But first crash by trying different kind of chords on the same x chord box with the piano preview activated ! C7 became unresponsive then crashed ! Except that everything works fine so far !
Thanx you steinberg ! :smiley:

I am 100% with you on that one !
No more do I have to have my theory guru with me when making music !

This one feature alone is THE reason I waited anxiously to get Cubase 7

Now I can easily do covers of ALL the greatest hits from Jim Nabors !

Best thing since sliced bread!

With the Chord Assistant all you need do is select the notes comprising your chord (3 or more) and it tells you what chord you have used.

Absolutely brilliant this is now a reality and we no longer need to use a plugin for something so fundamental.

Samples all the way now.