Cinematique Instruments - need license upgrade

Upgrade to HALion Sonic 7 Collection. This is the replacement product for HALion Sonic 3, which is licensed using Steinberg Licensing. It includes all the HALion Sonic 3 content, plus FM Lab and Tales.

It means I won’t go dongle-free if I won’t upgrade HS7 Collection even I already paid for it and don’t need FM Lab and Tales. Should I really pay twice for HS3 Collection?

So why Steinberg don’t ask us to pay twice for our purchased hardware just to have dongle-free Basic Suite FX?

I have purchased Dark Planet, Triebwerk, Hypnotic Dance (without Absolute) and I received vouchers for transfer to SAM. These are libraries of the same type.

Can someone please explain this strange “offer” before I get… banned for a month again?


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