cleaning up bak files in a project folder

is it possiable to clean up bak files in a project folder as I have some times 15-50 bak files? do I need to keep them there or should I make a separate folder for backup/

You can delete as many of the backup files you want. You would do that from your computer file explorer screen. Keep a few of the later ones and make sure you do not trash the current .cpr project file.

Storing them in a separate folder would be your choice. You would have to create that folder and move them there manually as Cubase will not do that automatically. If I was to do that (which I have no reason to do) I would create the separate folder as another folder under the project folder and be sure to only keep that project backups in it. IMO… It is not a good idea to put files from different projects into one folder as things will get confusing.

I changed my auto backups to 5 max. I have no need to have more than that. That setting is in the Cubase Preferences, General menu.

Regards :sunglasses:

Thanks for the info that is very helpful… thanks for the quick response…

Good idea. I’m a stickler for organization and the multitude of .bak files to drive me a bit crazy. I can’t think of any reason to have more than five or so. Especially since, if I make any huge/potentially irreversible changes to a project I normally save a new version