There are two issues, one of them has been already reported.
I discovered this today with a big orchestral score but created a new file to show the issue and keep screenshot size smaller.
Image 1:
Viola section starts with treble clef, changes to alto clef in bar 3.
Divisi starts bar 5 and one can enter notes there.
Treble clef is shown on the left side of screen.
There is no indication whatsoever that the divisi staff is actually in alto clef!
Enter some notes and find out: something is wrong.
Image 2:
Scroll to bar 3. Still treble clef shown on both staves.
Notes are in alto clef as seen on image 1.
This has been reported here:
A video that I posted in the above linked thread:
Image 3:
Scrolling half-way bar 3 and both clefs suddenly display correctly.
I do think this should be fixed. Especially the situation on image 1 is misleading and visually incorrect. I wanted to add an alto clef to divisi staff bar 5 and found out that it is unnecessary.