I have the following code:
function(jamba_add_vst3_resource target type filename)
smtg_add_vst3_resource(${target} "${JAMBA_RESOURCE_DIR}/${filename}")
# use type...
The issue is that:
function(smtg_add_vst3_resource target input_file)
smtg_add_plugin_resource(${target} ${input_file})
and then
function(smtg_add_plugin_resource target input_file)
# ...
target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${input_file})
set(destination_folder "Resources")
set(destination_folder "${destination_folder}/${ARGV2}")
# ...
CMake has some very weird behavior going on here… the issue is every time you invoke a function, all variables defined are passed along as-is… my first function (jamba_add_vst3_resource) takes 3 arguments, so at the moment it invokes smtg_add_vst3_resource, then ARGV2 is defined… and because CMake happily passes around any variable defined, it gets passed along as well and so does smtg_add_vst3_resource. And as a result when it reaches smtg_add_plugin_resource, ARGV2 is defined even if smtg_add_vst3_resource did no provide a 3 arguments!! I think this is crazy behavior from CMake, but there you have it…
I think the moral of the story is that you should be careful using ARGVX and IMO is much safer to use cmake_parse_arguments instead…