CMC controllers and Cubase 14, plus MIDI Remote

Hello all, can anyone who was successfully using the Steinberg CMC units on C13 (probably Windows users) and who has upgraded, confirm whether they still work with C14?

Bonus question: is anyone quietly building MIDI Remote scripts for the day they do stop working, or are we all just going to wait and panic then? If anyone has built any scripts already, feel free to share them here for feedback and shared problem solving.


Since the last 13 service update, and also with today’s 14 release, I’m having to manually reset all of my MIDI remotes with each new Cubase session.

It’s working once I get it started and setup, but I’m not sure how to make it stick. I even tried saving it as part of a startup template.

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Is that with the CMC units? I haven’t upgraded to 13.0.50 yet…

No, so far I’ve tried it with a Custom Arturia mkII script. I’ll try some others when I get a chance and see if they stick.

It seems to be working great. I just lose it when I close a session and need start it up and point to the connected devices on the next session.

This started for me with the Cubase 13.0.50 update, and seems to be present in the 14 release too.

I haven’t tried trashing preferences and such yet…I’ve been having too much fun just poking around and jotting down minor issues to get that deep into it.

Hi Brian, it would be interesting to go to your Documents Folder\Steinberg\Cubase\MIDI Remote\User Settings, back up the file Arturia_Keylab_MK2_MC_Custom_0375F85DC35F291BA629076CFD9A185D_globalmappings.json (perhaps it will be a little different on your system and the backup is just a suggestion, you never know) and then delete it. This way, the script will start fresh BUT keeping whichever settings you have in the dedicated files of it. It’s a good approach to really check what’s going on with the custom ports.

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OK, thanks to m.c. my MIDI remote issue is sorted now.

I had stashed my custom ports script in the wrong file system directory. It’s something m.c. added in case we have our devices named differently. I route a bunch of stuff around via virtual ports, rtp, etc. I’d filled the script out but put it in the wrong folder!

Got it sorted now.

Thanks M.C.!


CMC-QC on C13.0.50 working here. Also no issues with the legacy midi remote (MFC-10 Foot Controller). Have not tried scripting remotes for the remote editor, but still doing the occasional midi device panel using this nostalgy inducing editor from the 90ies…

Keep creating!

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Anyone on C14 and has the CMCs working?

Hey @jpspoons1 the CMCs work just fine with C14. I have AI, QC, TP and CH :slight_smile:

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Thanks @sonicwarp :slight_smile:

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Hi everybody,
I have the same issue than many of you.
When re opening cubade, the xtouch/midi remote controlers disappeared…but :
At home, windows 10/cubase 14.0.10, if I completely QUIT cubase, the issue is here and when reopen cubase, I have to setup newly my midi remote…
If I only CLOSE cubase project and cubase let the selection projects windows opened. When I select a project in the list, at opening, all devices on midi remote are properly recalled .!!!

There is something that cubase dump some temp files ( I could imagine ) related to midi remote when completely closed, but cubase keep some temp files if you just shut down “project” .
Hope Steinberg could listen it quick, in fact when you close computer for upgrade or any other case. Cubase lost midi remote controlers set up before!
Kind regards from France.