Collision between bar repeat sign and chord symbols

Hi there!

I have this collision in the bass part between the %2 two-bar repeat sign and the chord symbols. I could probably just drag the chords around but I know Dorico is very good with spacing so I was wondering if there’s a more systematic solution to this. I searched topics and also looked in Layout Options and Engraving Options. Might have missed something but I couldn’t find the solution.


Hi @federicollach, under normal conditions this doesn’t happen. Maybe/probably your system is overfilled. Can you post a cut-out version of your Dorico project that shows this issue, for someone to give precise advices?

You could (beside dragging the chord symbols away from the 2 in Engrave mode manual) try these global Engraving options:

Thanks @Christian_R !
That fixed it, although it did push the chords higher quite a bit for a multi-flow project.
I’m interested in the “under normal conditions it doesn’t happen” – how do I post a cut-out version of the project?

Indeed, with long Chord Symbol names (as in your example) it seems that Dorico doesn’t avoid the collision with the Bar Repeat Region Number

Another approach (without needing of vertical adjustment) would be to put a Note Spacing Change (and another as Reset) for the affected bars. (You can copy and paste NSC to other places).
I don’t know if I miss something else…

Here three cases:

Collision btw. Chord Symbols & Bar Repeat Region Number.dorico (598.4 KB)

See here:

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Another option, just switch to Engrave and move them up for those two bars:

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