Color Themes ?

Are there any color themes in Cubase 6 ?
on there ad it says:
Plenty of eye candy and snazziness
but i can’t find anything except the manually changes that you can do on the preferences panel

Youd rather have a preset or something? I personally LOVE that I can customize it to MY pref! If there were preset color “themes”, we probably wouldnt have personal color customization as an option. Convenience always comes with a cost. More times than not, its a hefty cost!

At some point you are right but what i mean is :
Factory presets and user presets
as it is with other DAWs such as Digital Performer (on its way to the PC platform now)

No themes like DP or Reaper. Just manual adjustments.

Cubase allows you to be selective about which preferences can be saved by clicking in the far right column. This means you can dial in a color scheme, then save just those settings while leaving your various other preferences intact. Repeat as needed to have a range of schemes that can loaded based on your mood.

While there is a convenience to selecting a preset theme in DP, I found myself wanting to tweak them but that’s not an option.

Having the flexibility to adjust to personal taste is the better option in my opinion.

But having some sort of appearance preset file that could be shared would be cool.

may be a Cubase SX theme or from other previous versions ?