@Martin.Jirsak I’d be happy to explain, because its a really easy fix, I promise!
Lets imagine I have 4 mics on a drum kit (Kick, Snare, OH L and OH R), and 3 takes of a song. I’ve got all the drum mics into a Drums Folder, Group Editing is on as well as the phase coherent thingy.
We’re using the Comp Tool to comp takes, AND slip editing the chosen takes as we go (because thats how drummers who track themselves all do it.)
Lets say Take 1 is chosen for the first verse, but when we get to the chorus, Take 2 is clearly the better choice, so using the Comp Tool, I hold Option which brings up the split tool and Left Click, which splits all the takes on all the mics in the Drums Folder, just as it should.
But I notice that while Take 2 is clearly the better take, the very first kick on Take 2 is a little late, so I want to Slip Edit THE ENTIRE GROUP of mics and bring them all earlier in time so they’re more on time. If I move my mouse to Take 2, on the Kick Track and hold Shift+Option+Left Click to slip it in place WITHOUT FIRST clicking on Take 2, what will happen is this: Take 2 of the Kick track will be slipped into place as expected, but Take 1 of Snare, OH L and OH R will be slipped instead of Take 2. This has now made both Take 1 AND Take 2 unusable for the entire rest of the song, because Take 2 of the Kick track has been slipped independently of Take 2 for Snare, OH L and OH R; and Take 1 of Snare, OH L and OH R have been slipped independently of Take 1 of the Kick track.
And the best part is you’d have no way of knowing unless you just so happened to be looking somewhere else while you were slipping Take 2 of the Kick track.
When you only have 4 mics and 3 takes, this is an easy problem to fix. But when you have a modern drum tracking setup like I do, 27 mics, 8-12 takes per section, well over 200 takes on total for the song, its completely unfixable if you don’t notice it right away. I can send you a video of what this looks like if this whole explanation doesn’t make sense.
The solution is super simple: When Group Editing with multiple takes, if I slip edit any take, the same take on all the grouped tracks should be slipped as well. It shouldnt matter if I clicked on the take before slipping them, thats ridiculous.