Computer Keyboard Oddness

A new installation on OSX 14 (Mini M2 Pro) with Dorico 5.1.51

When I am in Write mode, select a note duration (say quarter) then press 5 on my keyboard I expect to get the selection to change to 8th/quaver but I get nothing.

When I select a barline with my mouse and press Shift-B nothing happens. I can go to popover mode and select bars and the popover comes up. I can then type 5 in and it appears (add five bars).

I am perplexed. It seems that the key press is context sensitive but not when I think it should be. Am I missing something obvious? (and I have tried other keyboards so it is not that, plus I am typing this on the same keyboard so the OS knows what is happening).


You need to start note entry first (either double-click or enter or shift-N) - a vertical orange line will appear (the caret).

Sorry, I can’t replicate your popover problem. Shift-B opens the popover fine

Sadly I can’t get Shift-N to work either. When I double-click I get the orange caret however the note entry using the keyboard numbers doesn’t work (I can select and enter using the mouse however I’d much prefer to use the keyboard).

Thanks for the reply

Does shift-X open a text entry popover?

No. If I go into popovers mode and enter text then I can type all the shift-X characters I want and they appear. I can then select the text object and delete it with cmd-X. But I seem to get nothing when typing a shift command

What language is your keyboard input set to?

Do you have any software that might be getting in the way of key presses?

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So I checked on my laptop and everything works as expected. Clearly there is something in my Mac Mini configuration that is throwing things off, but I have no idea of what it might be…

Default (English). And, as far as I can tell there is nothing in the way. Certainly Dorico understands when I type in text into a text field, just not when in “command” mode

When you pull down a menu, are the key shortcuts listed there?

Indeed they are.

I also did a factory reset on Preferences, just in case. No go there.

Interestingly, the command functions–save, new project, etc-- all work; just not the shift characters…

In the Keyboard pane of the Settings app, check the Input Sources and Language settings are the same on both your computers.

I assume you mean the Systems Settings? Yes, they are identical–Australian and English (Australian)–and Dorico is set to “English”. I did a reset on the keyboard and that made no difference.

When I am in any of the modes–Setup, Write, etc–the menu comes up showing me key options (like “New Single Player… Shift-P” in Setup) and whilst the function is active (I can add a new player by selecting that item from the menu) something is getting in the way of the binding. It looks to be within Dorico somehow (I can type Shift-P elsewhere as I just have) and I can type it into a Dorico text field, however the keypress is not being interpreted in this install. Very odd…

Thanks all for the help. Got it solved. There was a kext running that was gobbling some of the input… Apologies for the confusion


Is this what is called a “key-logger”?

No. It is a grammar checking app (I use it a lot when writing–I normally associate key logging with malware but there are legit uses for them) that is usually transparent, though not in this case.