I’m strugglig with condensed instrument labeling.
My flutes 2&3 condense OK, but their labels are stacked vertically, which is inconsistent with e.g. the Clarinets (also shown).
a) My first suspicion was that it was because the Instrument name is different (as shown in Yellow: it has an “opt” added), but if I “edit names” to ensure they are the same for all three flutes, the issue remains;
b) My second suspicion was that it had something to do with the first flute doubling on piccolo, although - as shown - the problem also occurs when it’s actually 3 flutes playing;
c) My third and last suspicion is whether this is default behaviour when the condensing groups instruments 2&3 on a stave, with the first on a separate.
Help appreciated. In case you’re wondering: I’d like to have the “Opt” in the 3rd flute name, so that it shows up on the first page of the score in that way. If there’s another way of achieving this (e.g. a local variation to a staff label), I’d also be interested in that!
I seem to have narrowed it down, and now it has become a “bug” report (bug being maybe a bit strong word here):
If I make a score with 3 flutes, one doubling on Pic, the condensing labels are fine. If I then change the name of one flute (instrument), by replacing “Flute” with “Something” in the Edit-Names → Full name, the labels become vertically stacked, as I described earlier. If I then revert “Something” back back to “Flute”, it stays vertical (!), so it seems Dorico has a ‘memory’ as to whether or not names were exactly the same in the past or not.
Unfortunately, that probably means I can only fix it by completely re-doing the flutes, which in this case would be rather a lot of work.
Sorry, me replying to myself again: I’ve just discovered the option to “use player name instead of instrument name for the first system”, which in hindsight is what I should have used. What remains is the issue that I can’t retro-actively “re-link” instruments to each other by restoring the original instrument names.
Good suggestion, Estigy! It does indeed seem to work, although I lose my condensing overrides this way (the flute group disappears as a condensing group). Still, that’s a lot better than re-defining the whole group.