Condensing bug with tied triplets across frame break (BUG)

Here’s a screengrab of the original offender:

I tried recreating it in a new file to no results. I can provide the file privately to someone at Steinberg if needed!

UPDATE: I found a workaround by changing the frame break to another bar - so it seems the bug is to do with it being over a frame break. It might not even be triplet related…

First of all, although I can see some quirky doubling in the upper picture, it’s not entirely clear what you want, what parts are involved, and what the surrounding passages are. With this little info, it’s hard to tell if it’s a bug at all, or just a matter of finding the right parameters for your use case. Unfortunately, in order to really investigate the issue, it would be necessary to analyse the actual Dorico project. Could you maybe post a reduced version (that still shows the issue), preferably with some explanation?

Unfortunately I fixed the issue by changing the frame break location, and even if I now put it back the bug doesn’t reappear. There’s some esoteric bug deep in the codebase where the exact right incantations have to be performed in order to make it surface. Maybe one for the backlog? If I ever come across it again, I’ll duplicate the project there and then and post it (or privately messaged depending on the project).

For posterity & clarity, in the picture I attached there are 2 trombones (bottom 2 staves in galley view) being condensed to the full score in the top picture, with a weird duplication of the upper part’s notes & ties/slurs. This was across a frame break, and a change of time signature on the first bar of the next frame. I tried inputting this exact configuration (dynamics and all - but not adjacent instruments, condensing groups etc) into another project but couldn’t reproduce the behaviour.

This issue was reported on the forum not so long ago, and is on our backlog for future fixing.