Conflict between UR22 and GPU

I have used the UR22 on my laptop for more than three years and they worked well but four month ago something went wrong:
i7-11800H CPU+ RTX3050ti-laptop GPU + 32G RAM
1.GPU + ur22 + videogame
At first they worked well but very soon the audio began to lag serious , but the video is OK.
2.GPU + videogame
After they began to lag, if i unplug the ur22 and plug the phones directly into the computer, everything became normal.
p.s. the video game refers to StardewVally,OctopathTraveller,RedAlert…
3.GPU + ur22 + Adobe Premiere Pro
Even the Pr made the GPU usage rate over 80%, but everything worked well.
4.ur22 + videogame
I tried to disable the GPU and played video game for two hours , the audio was OK (however the prico is frame drop).

It’s so complex that I cannot find any similar problem on the Internet.I noticed that there’s a post pubilshed in 2015 mentioned the confliect between ur22 and GPU. I spent months trying to summarize the pattern of problems.
I tried to follow MOUT’s advice about the audio Interface on Windows to fix the problem, it did bring longer normal time in “GPU + ur22 + videogame” but just a bit longer. The audio got lag later.
I’m confused about that the RedAlert2 doesn’t call the GPU at all. Perhaps the CNC battle platform made some GPU optimization, I don’t know.