Confused about using Garitan Instruments in Dorico

Newbie here. As you can see in my example I have a test score with a clarinet and bassoon. In the play mode I open the ARIA player and assign the clarinet to channel 1 and the bassoon to channel 2. If I enter notes by clicking on the staves and play it back I hear the clarinet and the bassoon. However, if I try to enter notes using my midi keyboard, no matter which staff I am playing into I always hear the clarinet. I would like to hear the bassoon when I am entering notes on the bassoon staff. What am I doing wrong?

Can you supply an example document?

I thought my screenshot was demonstrated the problem. Do you mean to send a Dorico file?

PS. Thanks for your interest

I’ve since discovered if I manually change the midi channel that my midi keyboard sends out I can hear the instrument I want. But why should I have to do this? In Finale, when you clicked on the bassoon staff you heard the bassoon and when you clicked on the clarinet staff you heard the clarinet. Can I get Dorico to do the same?

Did you set the appropriate channels in Play mode?

Yes - I just checked and the clarinet is on channel 1 and the bassoon is on channel 2

Now I’m really confused. I just re set up that sample of clarinet and bassoon and it’s working the way I want it to. Go figure. Thanks for your help